Terms and Conditions

圖花紙(DOHWAJI) 使用條款


圖花紙(DOHWAJI) 網站按照以下使用條款提供本網站上的內容及服務。此等使用條款詳列Excellent Ford Dev Ltd 及其聯營公司 (“本公司”或 “本公司的”)與網站各用戶(“用戶”、“閣下的”或 “閣下”)之間規管閣下使用網站的協議。本網站所載的本公司的私隱政策 解述關於透過網站收集資料的政策,並構成此等使用條款的一部份。進入或使用本網站,即代表閣下已經閱讀、明白及同意接受此等使用條款的約束。若本使用條款英文本與中文本有差異,以英文版本為准。

1. 服務的提供

(1) 本網站提供以下服務:




(2) 由於市場變化及商業上合理盡力仍難以控制的其他因素,本公司無法保證閣下透過本網站訂購的產品時刻庫存充足;如閣下訂購的產品缺貨,閣下及本公司均有權按此等使用條款取消訂單,或閣下及本公司可以雙方協議的方式予以處理。

2. 產品及服務僅供個人使用


3. 資料的準確性




4. 訂單生效

(1) 本網站可因以下一個或多個理由拒絕用戶透過本網站訂購產品/服務的訂單﹕



(2) 本網站顯示的資料(例如﹕產品名稱、售價及產品說明,等)僅構成購買邀請。如閣下透過本網站進行訂購,則構成購買要約。只有在本網站發出通知確認產品已經發貨或本網站已將產品發送至特定地址,方構成對訂單的承諾並已構成合約。如閣下在同一訂單中訂購多項產品,而本網站只就部份訂購向閣下發出送貨確認,即其他產品的合約應只會在該其他產品的送貨確認發出時或本網站已將該其他產品發送至特定地址時構成。

(3) 閣下同意如本網站所載的資料有任何不準確之處或產品缺貨,本網站有權撤銷或修訂有關資料或限制產品的訂購數量。閣下有責任在下單時核實訂單資料為準確,包括所訂購產品及送貨地址等。

(4) 送貨費用應按照本網站的送貨政策及用戶所選擇的送貨方式計算及收取。本網站有權在不另行通知下修訂售價及送貨費用的資料。

5. 付款方式

本網站盡量提供不同的付款平台以切合所有用戶的需要,目前我們接受 Visa、Master等付款方式。

6. 送貨

(1) 本網站並不保證產品會於特定的送貨日送貨,確認付款成功後,在正常情況下,按標準配送服務配送的貨品會於寄出2-3個工作天內送抵收貨地址。一般訂單需時最長7個工作天處理及寄出(工作天為星期一至五,公眾假期除外)。一般上門送貨時間為早上9時至晚上6時。星期六、日及公眾假期不提供送貨服務。香港偏遠地區的訂單,可能需時額外3至4個工作天送達


(2) 本網站將就閣下所訂購的所有產品,明文訂明送貨方式、由閣下支付之送貨費用、送貨所需時間等。如產品無法於議定的送貨期內發送,本網站將與閣下聯絡,並與閣下商討後續安排。

(3) 在特殊情況下,送貨日期可在向閣下作出通知後予以更改。


7. 取消訂單

(1) 閣下可於以下情況下取消訂單﹕




(2) 本網站可於以下情況下取消閣下的訂單﹕




(3) 本網站亦可於以下情況下取消閣下的訂單﹕




8. 按照第7條取消訂單後的安排

(1) 當閣下訂購的任何產品缺貨時,本網站會立即通知閣下。如閣下已經付款,有關款項或進行退款所必須的所有程序會於協議日期或收取有關款項後30個工作日內予以退還或採取。在特殊情況下,有關退款期可予延長。

(2) 本網站收到閣下的退貨時,會按此等使用條款於30個工作日內,在扣減相關費用後,向閣下退還餘下款項。在特殊情況下,有關退款期可予延長。

(3) 如閣下以信用卡付款,本網站將要求信用卡服務供應商協助以進行適時退款。

(4) 除本使用條款或法律規定外,如閣下拒絕接受產品或要求退貨,閣下須承擔相關的送貨費用及銀行手續費。所有有關退款均在退貨獲確認後進行。

(5) 如閣下要求退貨或換貨,閣下須同時退還所有附送的贈品或推廣商品。如有關品項已經使用,則本網站須從退款中扣減相關費用。

9. 知識產權

除另行訂明外,本網站所載的所有資料和內容,包括但不限於其「觀感」、文字、圖片、圖像、標誌、按鈕圖示、圖像、聲帶、數據編輯及軟件,與及其編纂及組織(統稱“本內容”),當中的所有知識產權權利(包括但不限於版權、商標、設計及商譽)(“知識產權權利”),均屬Excellent Ford Dev Ltd、本公司之附屬成員、合夥人或特許人的財產,並受香港法律及世界各地的適用法例及國際法律、公約及條約(包括規管版權及商標的法律)所保障。嚴禁在未經Excellent Ford Dev Ltd 授權下作任何商業用途,包括複製、修改、分發及/或傳輸其任何內容或部份。

10. 有限特許







使用任何元標籤 (meta tags) 或任何其他 “隱藏內文(hidden text)” 以利用本內容之任何部份及/或全部;或

使用軟件 robots、spiders、crawlers,或相類的數據收集及摘取工具,或採取可能對本公司的基礎結構加諸不合理負擔或負荷之任何其他行動。閣下必須保留本網站所載的或所附或所含的與本內容的版權或其他知識產權權利擁有權有關的所有權之通知,而不作任何修改。








11. 閣下的義務及責任


12. 閣下的帳戶


13. 會員登記

(1) 如閣下欲登記成為會員,閣下應確認同意此等使用條款,並在本網站提供的指定表格上填上真實、準確、完整及有效的會員資料。

(2) 會員登記於下列情況下將不獲確認﹕






(3) 本公司有權不確認登記申請直至以下情況獲解決為止﹕




(4) 會員登記完成時會獲發登記確認。

(5) 填寫會員登記的指定申請表時,所有資料會被視為真實資料。如閣下不填上真實姓名或真實資料,閣下將不受法律保障,而閣下可享有的服務亦會受限制。

(6) 如登記時提供的資料有任何變更,閣下應適時透過郵件或任何其他方法通知本公司,或到本網站更新會員資料。本公司不會就因會員未有適時通知本公司有關變更而致會員資料未獲更新所造成的任何損失負責。

(7) 登記會員於DOHWAJI的零售店舖或網上購物時,可根據奬賞計劃累積積分。奬賞計劃的規則及其變更、累積積分的使用及獎賞兌換等均分別透過本網站或零售店舖公佈。

14. 取消及喪失會員資格

(1) 登記會員可透過本網站申請取消其會員資格,本公司會立即處理。

(2) 如登記會員涉及任何以下行為,本公司保留權利隨時在不作事先通知下,暫時或永久拒絕為閣下提供服務、暫停或取消閣下的會員資格,或若本公司按獨有及絕對酌情權認為此舉符合本公司的商業利益﹕











15. 保護會員帳戶及密碼的責任

(1) 所有用戶均有責任管理其帳戶及密碼,及保持更新其帳戶資料。

(2) 會員不應向第三方透露密碼。

(3) 如發現帳戶或密碼遭任何第三方入侵或使用,會員應立即通知本網站,並按照本網站的規定處理事宜。

(4) 本網站在任何情況下均無須為會員違反上述第(1)、(2)及/或(3)項所致的任何損失負責。

16. 第三方超連結


17. 特別介紹、功能及活動


18. 用戶內容


閣下聲明及保證閣下擁有或以其他方式操控閣下的用戶內容的權利。閣下同意不會傳輸、上載、張貼、電郵、分享、分發、複製或以其他方式提供 (a) 非法、有害、威嚇、粗穢、騷擾、侵權、誹謗、粗俗、淫穢、色情、中傷、侵犯他人私隱、仇恨或是種族、人種或其他方面令人反感的;(b) 閣下在任何法律下或在合約或受託關係下無權提供的;(c) 閣下知悉為虛假、偽冒、不準確或誤導性的;(d) 閣下獲任何第三方付給補償或報酬的;或 (e) 侵犯任何一方的任何專利權、商標、商業秘密、版權或其他擁有權的用戶內容,或予以協助或鼓勵。



19. 免責聲明



20. 彌償


21. 一般




22. 法律及司法管轄權



圖花紙(DOHWAJI) 網站按照以下使用條款提供本網站上的內容及服務。此等使用條款詳列Excellent Ford Development Limited及其聯營公司 (「本公司」或 「我們」)與網站各用戶(「用戶」、「閣下」或「閣下的」)之間規管閣下使用網站的協議。本網站所載的本公司的私隱政策解述關於透過網站收集資料的政策,並構成此等使用條款的一部份。進入或使用本網站,即代表閣下已經閱讀、明白及同意接受此等使用條款的約束。若本使用條款英文本與中文本有差異,均以英文版本為准。

1. 服務的提供

(1) 本網站提供以下服務:




(2) 產品供應及履行訂單


2. 產品及服務僅供個人使用


3. 資料的準確性


- 如某產品或服務的售價錯誤標示為高於實際售價,本公司將按該較低售價向閣下出售產品或服務;

- 如某產品或服務的售價錯誤標示為低於實際售價,本公司將視乎實際情況,與閣下取得共識或取消訂單並於產品或服務交付前通知閣下。

4. 訂單確認

(1) 本網站可因以下一個或多個理由拒絕用戶透過本網站訂購產品/服務的訂單﹕

- 訂單含有虛假、遺漏或錯誤資料;

- 訂單因技術原因或本網站無法控制的其他原因而無法確認。

(2) 訂單確認及合約構成


(3) 資料準確性


(4) 送貨費用


5. 付款方式


6. 送貨

(1) 送貨時間


- 按標準配送服務配送的貨品會於寄出2-3個工作天內送抵收貨地址。

- 一般訂單需時最長7個工作天處理及寄出(工作天為星期一至五,公眾假期除外)。

- 一般上門送貨時間為早上9時至晚上6時。

- 星期六、日及公眾假期不提供送貨服務。香港偏遠地區的訂單,可能需時額外3至4個工作天送達


(2) 送貨詳情及溝通


(3) 在特殊情況下,送貨日期可在向閣下作出通知後予以更改。

7. 取消訂單

(1) 閣下可於以下情況下取消訂單﹕

- 經閣下與本公司協商;

- 閣下訂購的產品缺貨;

- 本網站所示的售價有誤,而閣下在產品發送前已通知本網站。

(2) 本網站可於以下情況下取消閣下的訂單﹕

- 經閣下與本公司協商;

- 產品說明明顯有誤或產品缺貨;


(3) 本網站亦可於以下情況下取消閣下的訂單﹕

- 因不可抗力、系統故障、受第三方入侵及非本公司所能控制的任何其他情況,本網站認為有必要取消訂單;

- 本公司按獨有酌情權相信閣下的購買行為有違公平原則或真誠行事原則(例如﹕同一用戶在不具理由下多次拒收所訂購產品);

- 可按照已公佈或不時於本網站公佈或或更新的使用條款取消用戶訂單的任何其他情況。

8. 按照第7條取消訂單後的安排

(1) 產品缺貨


(2) 退貨之退款


(3) 如閣下以信用卡付款,本網站將要求信用卡服務供應商協助以進行適時退款。

(4) 拒絕產品及退貨


(5) 贈品退回


9. 知識產權


10. 有限特許




- 對本網站或其任何部份設框或利用設框技術附入本網站或其任何部份;

- 再公布、再分發、傳輸、出售、特許或下載本網站或本內容之任何部份及/或全部(作儲存或有必要以瀏覽本網站除外);

- 任何使用本網站或本內容之任何部份及/或全部作非個人用途;

- 基於本網站或本內容之任何部份及/或全部進行修改、翻譯、倒序製造、複製或創造任何衍生作品;

- 為閣下或其他人士的利益收集帳戶資料;

- 使用任何元標籤(meta tags)或任何其他「隱藏內文(hidden text)」以利用本內容之任何部份及/或全部;或

- 使用軟件robots、spiders、crawlers,或相類的數據收集及摘取工具,或採取可能對本公司的基礎結構加諸不合理負擔或負荷之任何其他行動。

- 版權通知:


- 超連結:


- 連結至本網站的網站可連結至(但不可複製)本內容之任何部份及/或全部;

- 不可明示或暗示本公司認可該網站或其服務或產品;

- 不可失實陳述其與本公司的關係;

- 不可載有可被理解為不雅、淫褻、令人反感、具爭議性、粗俗、色情、中傷、仇恨或不合法或不適合任何年齡人士的內容;

- 不可以錯誤性、誤導性、誹謗性或以其他令人反感或不妥當的方式描述本公司或本公司的產品或服務,或將本公司與不良產品、服務或意見相聯;

- 移除連結:




11. 閣下的義務及責任


12. 閣下的帳戶


13. 會員登記

(1) 如閣下欲登記成為會員,閣下應確認同意此等使用條款,並在本網站提供的指定表格上填上真實、準確、完整及有效的會員資料。

(2) 拒絕登記:


- 閣下違反任何使用條款;

- 閣下登記時提供虛假、遺漏或不準確資料;

- 閣下以他人名字登記;

- 閣下為擾亂社會秩序或公眾利益的目的申請登記;及/或

- 閣下未有符合DOHWAJI的其他規定。

(3) 暫時不予登記:


- 提供服務的設備超出負荷;

- 發生技術問題;

- 本公司合理相信暫時不予確認為佳的其他情況。

(4) 登記確認:


(5) 資料準確性:


(6) 更新會員資料:


(7) 奬賞計劃:


14. 取消及喪失會員資格

(1) 取消會員資格:


(2) 取消會員資格:


- 申請登記時提供虛假資料;

- 透過本網站購物時未有適時付款;

- 妨礙他人使用本網站的服務,或從本網站盜取資料等危害本網站正常運作的行為;

- 故意妨礙本網站提供服務或運作,或干擾網上交易的正常秩序;

- 散播令本網站的通訊系統失靈或受損的電腦病毒;

- 違反任何使用條款或本文的其他規則;

- 利用本網站的不正常使用,如電子通訊失效或故障;

- 不當使用另一會員的資料及密碼;

- 為商業目的透過提供服務而在未經授權下複製、再開發或使用本網站的內容;

- 以違反本文使用條款或違反公眾秩序及/或道德行為的方式使用本網站。

15. 保護會員帳戶及密碼的責任

(1) 用戶責任:


(2) 密碼保密:


(3) 未許可進入:


(4) 免責聲明


16. 第三方超連結



17. 特別推廣、促銷及活動


18. 用戶內容

(1) 用戶內容責任:

如閣下在本網站傳輸、上載、張貼、電郵、分享、分發、複製或以其他方式提供建議、構思、查詢、回應、數據、文字、軟件、音樂、聲音、圖片、圖形、圖像、影片、訊息或其他材料(「用戶內容」),閣下個人及獨力就有關用戶內容負責。(2) 用戶授予特許


(3) 用戶內容限制:


(a) 非法、有害、威嚇、粗穢、騷擾、侵權、誹謗、粗俗、淫穢、色情、中傷、侵犯他人私隱、仇恨或是種族、人種或其他方面令人反感的;

(b) 閣下在任何法律下或在合約或受託關係下無權提供的;

(c) 閣下知悉為虛假、偽冒、不準確或誤導性的;

(d) 閣下獲任何第三方付給補償或報酬的;或

(e) 侵犯任何一方的任何專利權、商標、商業秘密、版權或其他擁有權的用戶內容,或予以協助或鼓勵。

(4) 免責聲明:


(5) 用戶內容免責:


(6) 閣下確認本公司有權(但並無責任)按本公司的獨有酌情權拒絕發佈或移除任何用戶內容,且本公司保留按獨有及絕對的酌情權更改、修改或刪除任何用戶內容的權利。在不限制前文或此等使用條款的任何其他條文的一般性的原則下,本公司有權按獨有及絕對酌情權移除任何違反任何此等使用條款或在其他方面令人反感的用戶內容,且本公司保留權利按獨有及絕對酌情權暫時或永久拒絕提供服務及/或終止帳戶,而不向任何違反任何此等使用條款或侵犯他人權利的用戶作事先通知。

19. 免責聲明



20. 彌償


- 使用本網站或任何本內容(包括用戶內容);

- 使用在本網站購買本公司任何產品或服務或在其他情況下;

- 有違此等使用條款(包括任何其他人士因閣下的作為或不作為而使用閣下的帳戶進入本網站); 或



21. 一般




22. 法律及司法管轄權


DOHWAJI Terms of Use

Welcome to the DOHWAJI website ("the Website").

DOHWAJI provides the content and services on this Website in accordance with the following Terms of Use. These Terms of Use set forth the agreement between Excellent Ford Dev Ltd and its affiliates ("the Company" or "we") and each user of the Website ("User", "you" or "your") governing your use of the Website. The Company's Privacy Policy, which is located on the Website, describes our policies regarding the collection of information through the Website and forms part of these Terms of Use. By accessing or using the Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms of Use, the English version shall prevail.

1. Provision of Services

1.1. This Website provides the following services:

• Providing information and order confirmation related to products and services;

• Providing delivery services for ordered products;

• Other services specified on this Website.

1.2. Product Availability and Order Fulfillment

Due to market fluctuations and other factors beyond our reasonable control, we cannot guarantee that all products ordered through this Website will be in stock at all times. If the product you ordered is out of stock, both you and the Company have the right to cancel the order in accordance with these Terms of Use, or you and the Company may reach a mutually agreeable solution.

2. Products and Services for Personal Use Only

All products and services provided on this Website, including any samples provided, are for personal use only. You shall not sell or resell any products, services or samples purchased or obtained from the Company. The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel or modify any order or the quantity thereof placed through this Website, with or without notice, if the Company believes that such order may violate these Terms of Use.

3. Accuracy of Information

We strive to ensure that the information published on this Website accurately describes the products, including the price of the products/services. However, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we do not warrant that the product descriptions or any other content on this Website are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. This Website may contain errors or inaccuracies, and may be incomplete or out-of-date. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, or to update information at any time without prior notice. In the event of a pricing error, we will take the following measures:

 If the price of a product or service is mistakenly displayed as higher than the actual price, we will sell the product or service to you at the lower price;

 If the price of a product or service is mistakenly displayed as lower than the actual price, we will, depending on the circumstances, reach a consensus with you or cancel the order and notify you before the product or service is delivered.

4. Order Confirmation

4.1. This Website may refuse an order for products/services placed by a User through this Website for one or more of the following reasons:

• The order contains false, missing or incorrect information;

• The order cannot be confirmed due to technical reasons or other reasons beyond the control of this Website.

4.2. Order Confirmation and Contract Formation

The information displayed on this Website (e.g., product name, price, product description) serves as an invitation to purchase. Placing an order through this Website constitutes an offer to purchase from you. A binding contract for the purchase is formed when we issue a confirmation that the product has been shipped or when the product is delivered to the specified address.

For orders with multiple products, a separate contract for each product is formed upon shipment confirmation or delivery of that specific product.

4.3. Accuracy of Information

We strive to ensure the accuracy of all information displayed on our website. However, in the event of any inaccuracies or if a product becomes unavailable, we reserve the right to withdraw or modify such information or limit the quantity of products that can be ordered. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your order details, including the products ordered and the delivery address, at the time of placing your order.

4.4. Delivery Charges

Delivery charges will be calculated and charged based on our website's delivery policy and the delivery method you select. We reserve the right to revise delivery charges without prior notice.

5. Payment Methods

To provide a convenient shopping experience, we offer a variety of secure payment options. Currently, we accept Visa, MasterCard, and AlipayHK, etc.

6. Delivery

6.1. Delivery Timeframes

While we strive to deliver your order as quickly as possible, we cannot guarantee specific delivery dates.

- Standard Delivery: For orders placed using our standard delivery service, you can expect your order to arrive within 2-3 business days of payment confirmation.

- Order Processing: Please allow up to 7 business days for order processing and shipment (business days are Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays).

- Delivery Hours: Our standard delivery hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We do not offer delivery services on Saturdays, Sundays, or public holidays.

- Remote Areas: Orders to remote areas in Hong Kong may take an additional 3-4 business days for delivery.

This website will take all appropriate steps to notify you of product supply and delivery status. If a specific product is out of stock, this Website will notify you through the prescribed methods described in these Terms of Use, and matters related to delivery shall be agreed between the parties.

6.2. Delivery Details and Communication

For each product you order, we will clearly state the delivery method, delivery cost, and estimated delivery timeframe. If we are unable to deliver your product within the agreed-upon timeframe, we will contact you to discuss alternative arrangements.

6.3. Delivery Schedule Adjustments

In exceptional circumstances, delivery dates may be adjusted with prior notification to you.

7. Order Cancellation

7.1. Cancellation by You

You may cancel your order under the following circumstances:

- Mutual Agreement: By mutual agreement with us.

- Product Unavailability: If the product you ordered is out of stock.

- Pricing Error: If the price displayed on the website is incorrect, and you notify us before the product is shipped.

7.2. Cancellation by Us

We may cancel your order under the following circumstances:

- Mutual Agreement: By mutual agreement with you.

- Product Error or Unavailability: If the product description is clearly inaccurate or the product is out of stock.

- Order Information Errors: If there are errors in your order information, or if the quantity or amount ordered exceeds our available inventory.

7.3. Other Cancellation Circumstances

We may also cancel your order under the following circumstances:

- Force Majeure Events: Due to force majeure events, system failures, third-party intrusion, or any other circumstances beyond our control that we deem necessary to cancel the order.

- Unfair or Dishonest Conduct: If, in our sole discretion, we believe your purchase behavior violates principles of fairness or good faith (e.g., repeated refusal to accept orders without reasonable cause).

- Other Circumstances: Any other circumstances where we may cancel your order as per the published or updated Terms of Use on this website.

8. Arrangements Following Order Cancellation (as per Clause 7)

8.1. Product Unavailability

If any product you ordered is out of stock, we will notify you immediately. If you have already paid, the full amount will be refunded or processed within 30 business days of the agreed-upon date or receipt of payment. In exceptional circumstances, this refund period may be extended.

8.2. Refunds for Returned Products

Upon receipt of your returned product, we will process a refund within 30 business days, minus any applicable fees, as outlined in these Terms of Use. In exceptional circumstances, this refund period may be extended.

8.3. Credit Card Refunds

For credit card payments, we will request that the credit card service provider process a timely refund.

8.4. Refused Deliveries and Returns

If you refuse delivery or request a return, you will be responsible for associated delivery costs and bank processing fees, unless otherwise stipulated in these Terms of Use or by law. All refunds will be processed after the return is confirmed.

8.5. Return of Promotional Items

If you request a return or exchange, you must return all accompanying promotional gifts or items. If these items have been used, we will deduct a corresponding fee from your refund.

9. Intellectual Property

All information and content on this website, including but not limited to its "look and feel," text, images, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, data compilations, and software, as well as its compilation and organization (collectively, "Content"), and all intellectual property rights therein (including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, designs, and goodwill) ("Intellectual Property Rights"), are the property of the Company, its affiliates, partners, or licensors, and are protected by Hong Kong law and applicable laws and international treaties around the world (including laws governing copyright and trademarks). Any commercial use, including reproduction, modification, distribution, and/or transmission of any part or all of the Content without the authorization of the Company, is strictly prohibited.

10. Limited License

We grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive license to access and use this website and the Content for personal use only, subject to the following terms:


You may not:

 Frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any part of this website or its content.

 Republish, redistribute, transmit, sell, license, or download any part or all of this website or its content (except for storage or as necessary to browse the website).

 Use any part or all of this website or its content for any non-personal use.

 Modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or create any derivative works based on any part or all of this website or its content.

 Collect account information for yourself or others.

 Use any Meta tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing any part or all of the Content.

 Use software robots, spiders, crawlers, or similar data gathering and extraction tools, or take any other action that may impose an unreasonable burden or load on our infrastructure.

Copyright Notice: You must retain all copyright or other intellectual property rights notices that appear on or are contained within the Content without modification.

Hyperlinking: We grant you a limited, revocable, personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to create hyperlinks to the home page of this website for personal and non-commercial use only. Websites linking to this website must:

 Link to (but not replicate) any part or all of the Content.

 Not imply or suggest that we endorse such website or its services or products.

 Not misrepresent its relationship with us.

 Not contain content that is considered indecent, obscene, offensive, controversial, vulgar, pornographic, defamatory, hateful, or illegal or unsuitable for any age.

 Not describe us or our products or services in a misleading, deceptive, defamatory, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate manner, or associate us with inferior products, services, or opinions.

 Not link to any page of this website other than the home page.

Removal of Links: We may, at our sole and absolute discretion, request that you remove any links to this website. Upon receipt of such request, you must immediately remove the link and cease any linking activity, unless authorized in writing by DOHWAJI to reinstate the link.

Termination: Any unauthorized use and/or use in violation of these Terms of Use of any part or all of this website or its Content will automatically terminate the limited license granted in this Clause 10, without prejudice to any other remedies available under applicable law or these Terms, and you must immediately cease any and all use of any part or all of the Content.

11. Your Obligations and Responsibilities

By accessing or using this website or any of its Content, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use and any warnings or instructions posted on this website. You agree to act in good faith in accordance with applicable laws and customs when accessing or using this website or any of its Content. You shall not make any changes or modifications to this website or any of its Content, or in any way impair the integrity or operation of this website. Without prejudice to the generality of any other provision of these Terms of Use, you shall be liable for any loss or damage suffered by us, our partners, subsidiaries, affiliates, associates, or licensors as a result of your negligent or intentional breach of the obligations set out in these Terms of Use.

12. Your Account

You may choose to register as a registered member on this website. You agree to be personally responsible for all communications and activities that occur under your account, username, and/or password. If you access and use this website on behalf of another person, you represent that you have the authority to bind such person to all the Terms of Use contained herein. To the extent that you do not have such authority, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms of Use and shall be responsible for any damage, loss, or injury caused by any misuse of this website or its Content arising from such access or use. You may cancel your account at any time.

13. Member Registration

13.1. Registration Requirements

To register as a member, you must confirm your agreement to these Terms of Use and provide accurate, complete, and valid member information in the designated form provided on this website.

13.2. Registration Denial

Your registration may be denied in the following circumstances:

• You violate any of the Terms of Use.

• You provide false, incomplete, or inaccurate information during registration.

• You register under another person's name.

• You apply for registration for the purpose of disrupting social order or public interest.

• You fail to meet other requirements set by DOHWAJI.

13.3. Temporary Registration Hold

We reserve the right to hold your registration until the following situations are resolved:

- Service equipment is overloaded.

- Technical problems occur.

- Other circumstances where we reasonably believe that a temporary hold is in the best interest of all parties.

13.4. Registration Confirmation

You will receive a registration confirmation upon completion of your member registration.

13.5. Accuracy of Information

All information provided when filling out the designated application form for member registration will be considered true and accurate. If you do not provide your real name or accurate information, you will not be legally protected, and your access to services may be restricted.

13.6. Updating Member Information

If there are any changes to the information provided during registration, you should notify us promptly via email or any other method, or update your member information on this website. We are not responsible for any losses arising from failure to update your member information due to your failure to notify us of changes in a timely manner.

13.7. Rewards Program

Registered members can earn points under the Rewards Program when shopping at DOHWAJI retail stores or online. The rules of the Rewards Program, including changes to the program, the use of accumulated points, and redemption of rewards, will be announced separately through this website or retail stores.

14. Membership Cancellation and Termination

14.1. Member Cancellation

Registered members can request to cancel their membership through this website. We will process the cancellation promptly.

14.2. Membership Termination

We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently deny you access to our services, suspend or cancel your membership, or take any other action that we deem necessary in our sole and absolute discretion if we believe it is in our best business interests, if you engage in any of the following activities:

• Providing false information during registration.

• Failing to make timely payments for purchases made through this website.

• Engaging in activities that disrupt the services of this website or steal data from this website, thereby jeopardizing the normal operation of the website.

• Intentionally interfering with the provision of services or the operation of this website, or disrupting the normal order of online transactions.

• Spreading computer viruses that cause malfunctions or damage to this website's communication system.

• Violating any of the Terms of Use or other rules set forth herein.

• Using this website in an abnormal manner, such as electronic communication failure or malfunction.

• Misusing another member's information and password.

• Reproducing, redeveloping, or using the content of this website for commercial purposes without authorization.

• Using this website in a manner that violates these Terms of Use or violates public order and/or ethical conduct.

15. Protecting Your Account and Password

15.1. User Responsibility

All users are responsible for managing their account and password and keeping their account information updated.

15.2. Password Confidentiality

Members should not disclose their password to any third party.

15.3. Unauthorized Access

If you discover that your account or password has been compromised or used by any third party, you should immediately notify this website and follow the instructions provided by the website.

15.4. Disclaimer of Liability

Under no circumstances shall this website be liable for any losses incurred by members as a result of violating the provisions of paragraphs (1), (2), and/or (3) above.

16. Third-Party Links

We are not responsible for the content of any off-site pages or other websites that link to or from this website. Links within this website are provided for convenience only and do not constitute an endorsement by us, our affiliates, and/or our partners of the linked websites, their content, products, services, or suppliers. You access any off-site pages or other websites at your own risk.

We are not directly or indirectly liable for any damage, loss, or offense caused or alleged to be caused or related to the content, services, or goods provided by any off-site pages or other websites that link to or from this website, including but not limited to their privacy policies and terms. You should carefully review the terms and privacy policies of all off-site pages and other websites that you visit or access through this website.

17. Special Promotions, Features, and Events

This website may offer special promotions or events (such as website content, offline activities) that are subject to additional or alternative terms of use, rules, and/or policies. If you choose to participate in these promotions, you agree to be bound by those additional or alternative terms of use, rules, and/or policies.

18. User Content

18.1. User Content Responsibility

If you transmit, upload, post, email, share, distribute, reproduce, or otherwise make available any suggestions, ideas, inquiries, responses, data, text, software, music, sound, images, graphics, photographs, videos, messages, or other materials ("User Content") on this website, you are solely and personally responsible for such User Content.

18.2. License to Use User Content

You hereby grant us a perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, unrestricted, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, copy, license, sublicense, adapt, distribute, display, publicly perform, reproduce, transmit, modify, edit, and otherwise exploit such User Content in any manner and for any purpose (including, without limitation, developing, producing, distributing, and marketing products) in any media now known or hereafter developed throughout the world.

18.3. User Content Restrictions

You represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary rights to use all User Content you submit. You agree not to transmit, upload, post, email, share, distribute, reproduce, or otherwise make available any User Content that:

(a) Is illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable;

(b) You are not authorized to provide under any law or contractual or fiduciary relationships;

(c) You know to be false, misleading, inaccurate, or deceptive;

(d) You are compensated or rewarded for by any third party; or

(e) Infringes or violates any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights of any party, or assists or encourages any such infringement or violation.

18.4. Disclaimer of Responsibility for User Content

We are not responsible for reviewing or evaluating User Content and we do not assume any responsibility or liability for User Content. We do not endorse or control any User Content transmitted or posted on this website, and therefore we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or quality of User Content. You understand that by using this website, you may be exposed to User Content that you may find offensive, indecent, or objectionable.

18.5. No Liability for User Content

Under no circumstances will we be liable in any way for any User Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any User Content, or any loss or damage arising from your use of any User Content transmitted, uploaded, posted, emailed, or otherwise made available through this website. You hereby waive any and all claims against us for any alleged or actual infringement of any rights of publicity, privacy, moral rights, and attribution rights relating to any User Content.

18.6. Right to Remove or Modify User Content

You acknowledge that we have the right (but not the obligation) to refuse to post or remove any User Content in our sole discretion, and we reserve the right to modify, edit, or delete any User Content in our sole and absolute discretion. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing or any other provision of these Terms of Use, we have the right to remove any User Content that violates any of these Terms of Use or is otherwise objectionable, and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account, temporarily or permanently, without prior notice, for any User who violates any of these Terms of Use or infringes the rights of others.

19. Disclaimer

DOHWAJI provides this website, content, products, and services on an "as is" and "as available" basis. To the fullest extent permissible by law, DOHWAJI makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of this website or the services, content, or products included on or otherwise made available to you through this site.

Furthermore, DOHWAJI does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this website is accurate, complete, or current. Price and availability information is subject to change without notice.

DOHWAJI will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from or otherwise related to your use of this website, to the fullest extent permitted by law. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property, and claims of third parties.

20. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company, its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, licensors, officers, directors, employees, and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all liabilities, claims, expenses, losses, damages, or costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to any third-party claim, legal action, or demand arising from:

- Your use of the Website or any of its content (including User Content);

- Your purchase of any product or service from us through the Website or otherwise;

- Your violation of these Terms of Use (including any use of your account on the Website by any other person due to your actions or inaction); or

- Your use of any software robots, spiders, crawlers, or similar data gathering and extraction tools, or any other action that imposes an unreasonable burden or load on our infrastructure.

21. General

You acknowledge and agree that these Terms of Use constitute the entire and exclusive agreement between you and us regarding your use of the Website, and supersede and govern all prior proposals, agreements, or other communications.

We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, at our sole and absolute discretion, by posting the changes on the Website and providing notice of such changes. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Website and upon giving notice of such changes. Your continued use of the Website following any changes constitutes your acceptance of the amended Terms of Use. We may terminate/revoke the rights granted under these Terms of Use at any time, at our sole and absolute discretion, with or without prior notice. You shall immediately comply with any termination or other notice, including (as applicable) ceasing your use of the Website and cancelling your account.

Nothing in these Terms of Use shall be construed as establishing an agency, partnership, or other joint venture between us and you. Our failure to insist upon or enforce any provision of these Terms of Use shall not be construed as a waiver of any right to subsequently enforce such provision, nor shall any waiver by us of any breach of any provision of these Terms of Use be construed as or deemed to be a waiver of any other breach. If any provision of these Terms of Use is held or determined to be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render these Terms of Use entirely unenforceable or invalid, but such provision shall be severed from the remaining provisions, which shall continue in full force and effect to the maximum extent permitted by law. The headings used in these Terms of Use are for convenience only and shall not be used in interpretation.

22. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("Hong Kong SAR"), and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong SAR. 

DOHWAJI Terms of Use

Welcome to the DOHWAJI website ("the Website").

DOHWAJI provides the content and services on this Website in accordance with the following Terms of Use. These Terms of Use set forth the agreement between Excellent Ford Dev Ltd and its affiliates ("the Company" or "we") and each user of the Website ("User", "you" or "your") governing your use of the Website. The Company's Privacy Policy, which is located on the Website, describes our policies regarding the collection of information through the Website and forms part of these Terms of Use. By accessing or using the Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms of Use, the English version shall prevail.

1. Provision of Services

1.1. This Website provides the following services:

• Providing information and order confirmation related to products and services;

• Providing delivery services for ordered products;

• Other services specified on this Website.

1.2. Product Availability and Order Fulfillment

Due to market fluctuations and other factors beyond our reasonable control, we cannot guarantee that all products ordered through this Website will be in stock at all times. If the product you ordered is out of stock, both you and the Company have the right to cancel the order in accordance with these Terms of Use, or you and the Company may reach a mutually agreeable solution.

2. Products and Services for Personal Use Only

All products and services provided on this Website, including any samples provided, are for personal use only. You shall not sell or resell any products, services or samples purchased or obtained from the Company. The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel or modify any order or the quantity thereof placed through this Website, with or without notice, if the Company believes that such order may violate these Terms of Use.

3. Accuracy of Information

We strive to ensure that the information published on this Website accurately describes the products, including the price of the products/services. However, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we do not warrant that the product descriptions or any other content on this Website are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. This Website may contain errors or inaccuracies, and may be incomplete or out-of-date. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, or to update information at any time without prior notice. In the event of a pricing error, we will take the following measures:

If the price of a product or service is mistakenly displayed as higher than the actual price, we will sell the product or service to you at the lower price;

If the price of a product or service is mistakenly displayed as lower than the actual price, we will, depending on the circumstances, reach a consensus with you or cancel the order and notify you before the product or service is delivered.

4. Order Confirmation

4.1. This Website may refuse an order for products/services placed by a User through this Website for one or more of the following reasons:

• The order contains false, missing or incorrect information;

• The order cannot be confirmed due to technical reasons or other reasons beyond the control of this Website.

4.2. Order Confirmation and Contract Formation

The information displayed on this Website (e.g., product name, price, product description) serves as an invitation to purchase. Placing an order through this Website constitutes an offer to purchase from you. A binding contract for the purchase is formed when we issue a confirmation that the product has been shipped or when the product is delivered to the specified address.

For orders with multiple products, a separate contract for each product is formed upon shipment confirmation or delivery of that specific product.

4.3. Accuracy of Information and Order Confirmation

We strive to ensure the accuracy of all information displayed on our website. However, in the event of any inaccuracies or if a product becomes unavailable, we reserve the right to withdraw or modify such information or limit the quantity of products that can be ordered. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your order details, including the products ordered and the delivery address, at the time of placing your order.

4.4. Delivery Charges

Delivery charges will be calculated and charged based on our website's delivery policy and the delivery method you select. We reserve the right to revise delivery charges without prior notice.

5. Payment Methods

To provide a convenient shopping experience, we offer a variety of secure payment options. Currently, we accept Visa, MasterCard, and AlipayHK ,etc.

6. Delivery

6.1. Delivery Timeframes

While we strive to deliver your order as quickly as possible, we cannot guarantee specific delivery dates.

Standard Delivery: For orders placed using our standard delivery service, you can expect your order to arrive within 2-3 business days of payment confirmation.

Order Processing: Please allow up to 7 business days for order processing and shipment (business days are Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays).

Delivery Hours: Our standard delivery hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We do not offer delivery services on Saturdays, Sundays, or public holidays.

Remote Areas: Orders to remote areas in Hong Kong may take an additional 3-4 business days for delivery.

6.2. Delivery Details and Communication

For each product you order, we will clearly state the delivery method, delivery cost, and estimated delivery timeframe. If we are unable to deliver your product within the agreed-upon timeframe, we will contact you to discuss alternative arrangements.

6.3. Delivery Schedule Adjustments

In exceptional circumstances, delivery dates may be adjusted with prior notification to you.

7. Order Cancellation

7.1. Cancellation by You

You may cancel your order under the following circumstances:

Mutual Agreement: By mutual agreement with us.

Product Unavailability: If the product you ordered is out of stock.

Pricing Error: If the price displayed on the website is incorrect, and you notify us before the product is shipped.

7.2. Cancellation by Us

We may cancel your order under the following circumstances:

Mutual Agreement: By mutual agreement with you.

Product Error or Unavailability: If the product description is clearly inaccurate or the product is out of stock.

Order Information Errors: If there are errors in your order information, or if the quantity or amount ordered exceeds our available inventory.

7.3. Other Cancellation Circumstances

We may also cancel your order under the following circumstances:

Force Majeure Events: Due to force majeure events, system failures, third-party intrusion, or any other circumstances beyond our control that we deem necessary to cancel the order.

Unfair or Dishonest Conduct: If, in our sole discretion, we believe your purchase behavior violates principles of fairness or good faith (e.g., repeated refusal to accept orders without reasonable cause).

Other Circumstances: Any other circumstances where we may cancel your order as per the published or updated Terms of Use on this website.

8. Arrangements Following Order Cancellation (as per Clause 7)

8.1. Product Unavailability

If any product you ordered is out of stock, we will notify you immediately. If you have already paid, the full amount will be refunded or processed within 30 business days of the agreed-upon date or receipt of payment. In exceptional circumstances, this refund period may be extended.

8.2. Refunds for Returned Products

Upon receipt of your returned product, we will process a refund within 30 business days, minus any applicable fees, as outlined in these Terms of Use. In exceptional circumstances, this refund period may be extended.

8.3. Credit Card Refunds

For credit card payments, we will request that the credit card service provider process a timely refund.

8.4. Refused Deliveries and Returns

If you refuse delivery or request a return, you will be responsible for associated delivery costs and bank processing fees, unless otherwise stipulated in these Terms of Use or by law. All refunds will be processed after the return is confirmed.

8.5. Return of Promotional Items

If you request a return or exchange, you must return all accompanying promotional gifts or items. If these items have been used, we will deduct a corresponding fee from your refund.

9. Intellectual Property

All information and content on this website, including but not limited to its "look and feel," text, images, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, data compilations, and software, as well as its compilation and organization (collectively, "Content"), and all intellectual property rights therein (including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, designs, and goodwill) ("Intellectual Property Rights"), are the property of Excellent Ford Dev Ltd, its affiliates, partners, or licensors, and are protected by Hong Kong law and applicable laws and international treaties around the world (including laws governing copyright and trademarks). Any commercial use, including reproduction, modification, distribution, and/or transmission of any part or all of the Content without the authorization of Excellent Ford Dev Ltd, is strictly prohibited.

10. Limited License

We grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive license to access and use this website and the Content for personal use only, subject to the following terms:

Restrictions: You may not:

Frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any part of this website or its content.

Republish, redistribute, transmit, sell, license, or download any part or all of this website or its content (except for storage or as necessary to browse the website).

Use any part or all of this website or its content for any non-personal use.

Modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or create any derivative works based on any part or all of this website or its content.

Collect account information for yourself or others.

Use any Meta tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing any part or all of the Content.

Use software robots, spiders, crawlers, or similar data gathering and extraction tools, or take any other action that may impose an unreasonable burden or load on our infrastructure.

Copyright Notice: You must retain all copyright or other intellectual property rights notices that appear on or are contained within the Content without modification.

Hyperlinking: We grant you a limited, revocable, personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to create hyperlinks to the home page of this website for personal and non-commercial use only. Websites linking to this website must:

Link to (but not replicate) any part or all of the Content.

Not imply or suggest that we endorse such website or its services or products.

Not misrepresent its relationship with us.

Not contain content that is considered indecent, obscene, offensive, controversial, vulgar, pornographic, defamatory, hateful, or illegal or unsuitable for any age.

Not describe us or our products or services in a misleading, deceptive, defamatory, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate manner, or associate us with inferior products, services, or opinions.

Not link to any page of this website other than the home page.

Removal of Links: We may, at our sole and absolute discretion, request that you remove any links to this website. Upon receipt of such request, you must immediately remove the link and cease any linking activity, unless authorized in writing by DOHWAJI to reinstate the link.

Termination: Any unauthorized use and/or use in violation of these Terms of Use of any part or all of this website or its Content will automatically terminate the limited license granted in this Clause 10, without prejudice to any other remedies available under applicable law or these Terms, and you must immediately cease any and all use of any part or all of the Content.

11. Your Obligations and Responsibilities

By accessing or using this website or any of its Content, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use and any warnings or instructions posted on this website. You agree to act in good faith in accordance with applicable laws and customs when accessing or using this website or any of its Content. You shall not make any changes or modifications to this website or any of its Content, or in any way impair the integrity or operation of this website. Without prejudice to the generality of any other provision of these Terms of Use, you shall be liable for any loss or damage suffered by us, our partners, subsidiaries, affiliates, associates, or licensors as a result of your negligent or intentional breach of the obligations set out in these Terms of Use.

12. Your Account

You may choose to register as a registered member on this website. You agree to be personally responsible for all communications and activities that occur under your account, username, and/or password. If you access and use this website on behalf of another person, you represent that you have the authority to bind such person to all the Terms of Use contained herein. To the extent that you do not have such authority, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms of Use and shall be responsible for any damage, loss, or injury caused by any misuse of this website or its Content arising from such access or use. You may cancel your account at any time.

13. Member Registration

13.1. Registration Requirements

To register as a member, you must confirm your agreement to these Terms of Use and provide accurate, complete, and valid member information in the designated form provided on this website.

13.2. Registration Denial

Your registration may be denied in the following circumstances:

• You violate any of the Terms of Use.

• You provide false, incomplete, or inaccurate information during registration.

• You register under another person's name.

• You apply for registration for the purpose of disrupting social order or public interest.

• You fail to meet other requirements set by DOHWAJI.

13.3. Temporary Registration Hold

We reserve the right to hold your registration until the following situations are resolved:

Service equipment is overloaded.

Technical problems occur.

Other circumstances where we reasonably believe that a temporary hold is in the best interest of all parties.

13.4. Registration Confirmation

You will receive a registration confirmation upon completion of your member registration.

13.5. Accuracy of Information

All information provided when filling out the designated application form for member registration will be considered true and accurate. If you do not provide your real name or accurate information, you will not be legally protected, and your access to services may be restricted.

13.6. Updating Member Information

If there are any changes to the information provided during registration, you should notify us promptly via email or any other method, or update your member information on this website. We are not responsible for any losses arising from failure to update your member information due to your failure to notify us of changes in a timely manner.

13.7. Rewards Program

Registered members can earn points under the Rewards Program when shopping at DOHWAJI retail stores or online. The rules of the Rewards Program, including changes to the program, the use of accumulated points, and redemption of rewards, will be announced separately through this website or retail stores.

14. Membership Cancellation and Termination

14.1. Member Cancellation

Registered members can request to cancel their membership through this website. We will process the cancellation promptly.

14.2. Membership Termination

We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently deny you access to our services, suspend or cancel your membership, or take any other action that we deem necessary in our sole and absolute discretion if we believe it is in our best business interests, if you engage in any of the following activities:

• Providing false information during registration.

• Failing to make timely payments for purchases made through this website.

• Engaging in activities that disrupt the services of this website or steal data from this website, thereby jeopardizing the normal operation of the website.

• Intentionally interfering with the provision of services or the operation of this website, or disrupting the normal order of online transactions.

• Spreading computer viruses that cause malfunctions or damage to this website's communication system.

• Violating any of the Terms of Use or other rules set forth herein.

• Using this website in an abnormal manner, such as electronic communication failure or malfunction.

• Misusing another member's information and password.

• Reproducing, redeveloping, or using the content of this website for commercial purposes without authorization.

• Using this website in a manner that violates these Terms of Use or violates public order and/or ethical conduct.

15. Protecting Your Account and Password

15.1. User Responsibility

All users are responsible for managing their account and password and keeping their account information updated.

15.2. Password Confidentiality

Members should not disclose their password to any third party.

15.3. Unauthorized Access

If you discover that your account or password has been compromised or used by any third party, you should immediately notify this website and follow the instructions provided by the website.

15.4. Disclaimer of Liability

Under no circumstances shall this website be liable for any losses incurred by members as a result of violating the provisions of paragraphs (1), (2), and/or (3) above.

16. Third-Party Links

We are not responsible for the content of any off-site pages or other websites that link to or from this website. Links within this website are provided for convenience only and do not constitute an endorsement by us, our affiliates, and/or our partners of the linked websites, their content, products, services, or suppliers. You access any off-site pages or other websites at your own risk.

We are not directly or indirectly liable for any damage, loss, or offense caused or alleged to be caused or related to the content, services, or goods provided by any off-site pages or other websites that link to or from this website, including but not limited to their privacy policies and terms. You should carefully review the terms and privacy policies of all off-site pages and other websites that you visit or access through this website.

17. Special Promotions, Features, and Events

This website may offer special promotions or events (such as website content, offline activities) that are subject to additional or alternative terms of use, rules, and/or policies. If you choose to participate in these promotions, you agree to be bound by those additional or alternative terms of use, rules, and/or policies.

18. User Content

18.1. User Content Responsibility

If you transmit, upload, post, email, share, distribute, reproduce, or otherwise make available any suggestions, ideas, inquiries, responses, data, text, software, music, sound, images, graphics, photographs, videos, messages, or other materials ("User Content") on this website, you are solely and personally responsible for such User Content.

18.2. License to Use User Content

You hereby grant us a perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, unrestricted, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, copy, license, sublicense, adapt, distribute, display, publicly perform, reproduce, transmit, modify, edit, and otherwise exploit such User Content in any manner and for any purpose (including, without limitation, developing, producing, distributing, and marketing products) in any media now known or hereafter developed throughout the world.

18.3. User Content Restrictions

You represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary rights to use all User Content you submit. You agree not to transmit, upload, post, email, share, distribute, reproduce, or otherwise make available any User Content that:

(a) Is illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable;

(b) You are not authorized to provide under any law or contractual or fiduciary relationships;

(c) You know to be false, misleading, inaccurate, or deceptive;

(d) You are compensated or rewarded for by any third party; or

(e) Infringes or violates any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights of any party, or assists or encourages any such infringement or violation.

18.4. Disclaimer of Responsibility for User Content

We are not responsible for reviewing or evaluating User Content and we do not assume any responsibility or liability for User Content. We do not endorse or control any User Content transmitted or posted on this website, and therefore we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or quality of User Content. You understand that by using this website, you may be exposed to User Content that you may find offensive, indecent, or objectionable.

18.5. No Liability for User Content

Under no circumstances will we be liable in any way for any User Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any User Content, or any loss or damage arising from your use of any User Content transmitted, uploaded, posted, emailed, or otherwise made available through this website. You hereby waive any and all claims against us for any alleged or actual infringement of any rights of publicity, privacy, moral rights, and attribution rights relating to any User Content.

18.6. Right to Remove or Modify User Content

You acknowledge that we have the right (but not the obligation) to refuse to post or remove any User Content in our sole discretion, and we reserve the right to modify, edit, or delete any User Content in our sole and absolute discretion. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing or any other provision of these Terms of Use, we have the right to remove any User Content that violates any of these Terms of Use or is otherwise objectionable, and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account, temporarily or permanently, without prior notice, for any User who violates any of these Terms of Use or infringes the rights of others.

19. Disclaimer

DOHWAJI provides this website, content, products, and services on an "as is" and "as available" basis. To the fullest extent permissible by law, DOHWAJI makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of this website or the services, content, or products included on or otherwise made available to you through this site.

Furthermore, DOHWAJI does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this website is accurate, complete, or current. Price and availability information is subject to change without notice.

DOHWAJI will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from or otherwise related to your use of this website, to the fullest extent permitted by law. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property, and claims of third parties.

20. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless [Your Company Name], its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, licensors, officers, directors, employees, and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all liabilities, claims, expenses, losses, damages, or costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to any third-party claim, legal action, or demand arising from:

Your use of the Website or any of its content (including User Content);

Your purchase of any product or service from us through the Website or otherwise;

Your violation of these Terms of Use (including any use of your account on the Website by any other person due to your actions or inaction); or

Your use of any software robots, spiders, crawlers, or similar data gathering and extraction tools, or any other action that imposes an unreasonable burden or load on our infrastructure.

21. General

You acknowledge and agree that these Terms of Use constitute the entire and exclusive agreement between you and us regarding your use of the Website, and supersede and govern all prior proposals, agreements, or other communications.

We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, at our sole and absolute discretion, by posting the changes on the Website and providing notice of such changes. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Website and upon giving notice of such changes. Your continued use of the Website following any changes constitutes your acceptance of the amended Terms of Use. We may terminate/revoke the rights granted under these Terms of Use at any time, at our sole and absolute discretion, with or without prior notice. You shall immediately comply with any termination or other notice, including (as applicable) ceasing your use of the Website and cancelling your account.

Nothing in these Terms of Use shall be construed as establishing an agency, partnership, or other joint venture between us and you. Our failure to insist upon or enforce any provision of these Terms of Use shall not be construed as a waiver of any right to subsequently enforce such provision, nor shall any waiver by us of any breach of any provision of these Terms of Use be construed as or deemed to be a waiver of any other breach. If any provision of these Terms of Use is held or determined to be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render these Terms of Use entirely unenforceable or invalid, but such provision shall be severed from the remaining provisions, which shall continue in full force and effect to the maximum extent permitted by law. The headings used in these Terms of Use are for convenience only and shall not be used in interpretation.

22. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("Hong Kong SAR"), and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong SAR.